Make gifting easy with a Beach Grove Cafe & Boutique gift certificate!
1. On our website:
- Once purchased you will receive a confirmation email that includes a discount code to use at checkout. Simply forward this along to the individual receiving the gift.
2. At our store front:
- If the recipient is picking up in person, purchase the gift certificate online and email us at beachgrovecafe@gmail.com with the name and number of the individual picking up. Upon pickup they will state their name to our staff and we will retrieve the gift certificate for them. Please note: an email confirmation with a discount code will send to your inbox regardless, please discard this email. Any purchases made with this discount code will be refunded if your gift certificate is for pickup.
If there is a desired amount missing from our options, please email beachgrovecafe@gmail.com and we will add it for you.
Our gift certificates have no additional processing fees.